Is there a way that we can retrieve a deleted WorkSpace?
I know it is easy to create, but some time it would be really helpful if we can retrieve it instead of getting all the information from the user on the last WorkSpace design.
Thank you,
You can look for the recycle bin entry. The recycle bin is located in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Recycle Bin and has the time of deletion in the file name. It should contain a .zip file with the deleted workspace named config.xml.
It will be named like this: 2020_12_08_11_07_15_delete config.xml.zip
You can now overwrite or manually edit the config.xml file in this folder:
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Users\SharedUserSettings\Workspaces\config.xml
It's important to note replacing the file will override any workspaces created/updated after the original workspace was deleted. To prevent overwriting newer workspaces, you can also open the delete config.xml and copy-paste only the <Workspace> tag you want to restore, to the remaining config.xml.
After a DataMiner restart, you should see the deleted workspace again in DataMiner Cube.

I have tried the steps you mentioned.
If I go to the recycle bin folder, there is no xml file for the deleted workspace, it’s only a .bin file. and of course putting the bin file back to the folder will not resolve the issue.
Please advise.