I'm writing a default script that is used to send an email from alarm(s) triggered by a correlation rule.
I want to make a table in the mail with the columns (Parameter Name, Parameter Key, Parameter Value)
In the script I retrieve the Alarm Information from the special Script param 65006
Parameter Key and Parameter Value are present in that Script param, but not Parameter Name, only the ParameterID.
How do I retrieve the Parameter Name with ParameterID, so I can use it in my e-mail?
Hi Gerrit,
From your element object, that you get from engine.FindElement, you can use the following:
var parameterInfo = element.Protocol.FindParameter(paramId);
var parameterDescription = parameterInfo.Description;
Probably what you want is the parameter description as that is normally the nice readable string that is used in the user interface.

This is exactly the answer what I was looking for.
My grandfather always said : "Once you know the answer to a question, you wonder why you couldn't have found the answer yourself"
Thanks you very much for your help.