Good morning community
Today I have the following problem where I can not enter the Reports & Dashboards section from a particular ip, if I access from another ip of the cluster the problem is not observed, try restarting the server from the operating system and can not solve the problem.
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

Have any of these answers helped you solve the issue? If so, could you select the best answer (using the ✓ icon)? If not, you can also contact for assistance.
Hi Marco,
Can you verify that soft-launch option LegacyReportsAndDashboards is active on that specific Agent?
Hi Edson
We have this doc to troubleshoot this error, could you give it a try?
HTTP error 500 | DataMiner Docs
Let us know the results, please

Thank you very much Jaime, today I learned something more of this tool but unfortunately this configuration did not work.
Does it work when opening the following url directly on the server running the DMA? http://localhost/reports