we have a temperature probe that in normal conditions measures temperatures in teh range of 15 - 30°C.
Due to a bad connection the temp sensor is showing readings of 850°.
The issue is repaired now, but consulting trend data now results in 'unreadable' graphs as the system scales to show the peaks.
In the era of mysql it was possible to remove those incorrect data entries from the trend database.
Is this possible on a cassandra system as well??

Hi Hans,
if the bad connection to the sensor leads to it showing the value: 850 consistently, it might be a ideal to add it as parameter exception value in the connector. that way it won't mess up the average and max values if this occurs again
A good suggestion, but instead of checking if the value is equal to 850, I will check the specs of the temperature probe to determine the max temperature that the probe can measure.
With that information I will update the connector to set the value to ‘N/A’ whenever the temperature to be displayed is higher that the maximum temperature that the probe can measure.
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