How could we desactivate for all users, "Remenber me" button at Cube login.
This is a major security breach.
Kind regards
Hi. thanks for this fast response but I don't need a solution to change user.
The breach is that some one could arrive in cube server and with an account he should not have the rights for.
So I maintain the need: hide the "Remenber me" button.
Best regards.

Thanks for the response. AFAIK this is currently not possible. Feel free to reach out to your contact at Skyline directly if you consider this high priority or post your feature suggestion here: https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions
Hi Henri,
1 possible solution is to press and hold the Shift button while Cube is launching and logging in with the current user.
Normally, the login window will be shown and there you can disable the checkbox "Remember me".
Hope this will help you further.
Hi Henri,
I believe this feature is not available yet.
I found the following feature suggestion:
I also found a similar question, but related to the web browser: