Is it possible to add regular parameters in a mediation protocol?
The parameter would be a setting (read/write with a save=true) that we would like to also display in a linked dashboard.
A mediation driver is a layer on top of the existing protocol, a way to display parameters in a different format: unify the unit and parameter descriptions/layout and parameter ids. The value itself is something that is coming from the "real" driver in the background, hence the saved parameter with its functionality to process the incoming set (from write to read) will also need to be present in the existing protocol.
If it would be possible then it would be dangerous as one mediation driver could save a parameter id and another mediation driver could overwrite that same parameter id without both drivers being aware of each other.
Best practice is to have the saved parameter in the real driver, if you don't want the value displayed in that driver then have it set to RTDisplay true, without positions and put it in a position on the mediation driver.

Jan-Klaas is correct: A mediation drivers is just a mapping to actual data in actual elements.
I don’t think it’s possible to have a save=true option defined on the parameters in a mediation driver. A mediation driver is not linked to an object, it’s only a unifying looking glass onto device drivers. A regular driver is linked to objects (the elements using the driver) and its parameters can be trended, monitored, and saved in the database. That’s not the case for the parameters defined in the meditation driver, they don’t have an object counter part. They simply link to the values in the original driver.