I have a query regarding how Dataminer calculates and processes data, particularly concerning the trend graph and trend statistics features in the dashboard application. I have been using a combination of line charts and trend statistics to monitor parameters, which provides me with min, avg, and max values over certain periods.
Recently, one of my colleagues requested the raw data from a parameter we monitor. Upon extracting this raw data from the trend graph, I noticed a discrepancy: the maximum value from the raw data differed from the maximum value displayed in the trend statistics.
Could you please clarify how Dataminer processes data for the trend graph and trend statistics? Specifically, I am interested in understanding why there might be differences between the raw data extracted and the values shown in the trend statistics. Any insights or explanations you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hello, yes, i have enabled both real time and average data.

Hi Hanny,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need more information about this? If not, could you select Pieter's answer (using the ✓ icon) to indicate that the question is resolved?

As this question has now been inactive for a very long time, I will close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Hi Marieke, sorry for the delay. Yes this threat can be close.
Hi Hanny,
I don't believe there are very magical things being done to calculate the statistic metrics in trend, they are being calculated from the trend data that is stored in the database. In DataMiner Cube, there is also a trend statistics window that you can bring in view via the context menu on the chart. Do you see the same discrepancy there?
When you refer to raw data, do you mean the trend data records? Did you retrieve them via a GQI query in your dashboards?
And what if you compare to the trend line itself (Cube and or Dashboards), can you visually identify and confirm the discrepancy there as well?
If you want, we can further dig into the specific use case on your end via techsupport.
leaving the answer to a more expert insight – based on trend settings, you’ll have 2 different data sets: real-time & Average. If you want the raw data I’d expect you need to keep real-time trending enabled.