- Can one with an account linked to Customer B, be added as a user to the Cloud organization of Customer A?
- Can multiple organizations be created within the same Company?
- Can a DMS be registered under more than one Cloud organization of the same Company?
Hi Jordy,
Yes, yes and no.
Now with more details:
- Yes, a DCP account can be a member of multiple organizations. My account is e.g. member of the Skyline organization and also the Ziine organization, and even some development/test organizations and organizations of partners. So, you can be a member of as many organizations you want. There are no limitations there.
- Yes, you can create as many organizations you want. E.g. you could create some test/development organization. Just note that an organization is the highest level in the hierarchy and therefore I would recommend only having one organization because then the settings and config on the organization level is immediately applicable for my complete organization. Unless you want to test or try something out, then you can create a completely separate organization.
- No, a DMS can only be registered once, and you need to choose under which organization it should be registered.

Hi Mahito,
1. This applies to any DCP account, it doesn’t matter if that’s a Skyline employee or end user, each DCP account is the same and can be a member of multiple organizations.
2. No. Hierarchy is indeed maybe a big word here… We just have organizations, and underneath an organization you have one or more DataMiner Systems registered. On an organization you have certain settings/configuration which can be shared amongst all your DataMiner Systems (e.g. your cloud subscription license defining how many shares you can do, the Teams ChatOps link to your Azure tenant so that DataMiner can create channels, the auditing app is also available on org level). Therefore, DataMiner Systems in separate organizations will be completely isolated from each other and will never be able to share those organizational settings like the cloud subscription license. If you put your DataMiner Systems in the same organization, you can share those settings and that’s typically the expected behavior as a user. In other words, my company creates one organization in dataminer.services, and I put all my DataMiner Systems under that organization.
Let me know if that would not be 100% clear.

Hi Bert,
Thank you for your clarification.
Much much clearer now.
Just a little further question.
I learned that there are several tiers of Cloud subscription licenses, e.g. Essential, Lite, Plus, etc. from https://community.dataminer.services/dataminer-cloud-platform-services/.
How such subscription license will be linked to Organizations ?
If I remember correctly, each DMS user has Essential subscription license for free.
Hence, the Essential subscription license will be linked to the organization when the first DMS is registered to the organization, or will it be independently linked from any DMS registration ?
Hi Bert,
1. Does your answer apply to the end user case as well, not only to Skyline employees ?
2. >> I would recommend only having one organization because
>> then the settings and config on the organization level
>> is immediately applicable for my complete organization.
This part is not clear to me yet.
Do you mean, there are some different levels of “organization” ?