Sometimes, during the midnight synchronization timestamp or other time, I see a lot of SLDMS logs spamming as shown below even though there are no errors being detected on the DMAs in the cluster.
2023/11/15 15:21:55.849|SLDMS.exe 10.2.2143.30670|12624|53824|CSystem::ResolveServicePaths|ERR|-1|Failed resolving hosting DMA info for and service Testing
2023/11/15 15:16:32.974|SLDMS.exe 10.2.2143.30670|12624|45040|CSystem::HandleFileChangedByDMA|ERR|-1|Ignoring sync request (not implemented): C:\Skyline DataMiner\RemoteServices\Service.xml
Can someone please explain to me
1) Why are those log lines appear?
2) The meaning of the log line.
3) If we need to do/check something about it.
Thank you for the help.
Hi Min,
Some pointers:
- "Failed resolving hosting DMA info" might be about a "Testing" service.xml present on one of the agents in the Skyline DataMiner\Services or Skyline DataMiner\RemoteServices folders but possibly being a corrupt file
- "Ignoring sync request (not implemented): C:\Skyline DataMiner\RemoteServices\Service.xml" is a rogue entry in the list of files that SLDMS needs to synchronize. It might have been added by accident. SLNetClientTestTool > Advanced > Clear From > File Changes might be used to remove this specific path from that list.

Hello Wouter,
Thank you for the information.
Will try to take note of it next time.