Hi All,
We are doing a clean up our Protocols & Templates where we would like to delete what we are not using anymore. We would first like to backup the data before deleting. Data including the Protocol, Alarm & Trending Templates and any visual drawings. What would be the most efficient and recommended way to do this?
Hi David,
You could create a custom backup that only includes protocols, templates, and vision files.
You can define a custom backup on the contents tab page of the backup page in system center:
The location of the backup is defined on the general tab:
To aid in the cleanup, you can use the clean-up under tools in system center:

I’ve run a backup “Stating Backup Job” still appears to be not complete. Might take longer then expected. Where should I expect the backup to arrive? C:Skyline DataMiner Backups ???? On the element pair i’m taking the backup with,

The default path is indeed c:skyline dataminer backups.
The can however be overridden, I’ll add a screenshot to the original post.
For troubleshooting, you should be able to find logging for backup process in the following directory:
C:Skyline DataMinerBackup

Thanks for that. Backup took about 10 mins. Appeared to fail on one server so I just tried from another. Thanks for your help!
This is great! Looks exactly what i’m after. Thank you for the quick reply.