Is it possible to have a Progress Bar in an Interactive Automation Script?

Another possible option could be the proposal in this question:
Your second point. The goal is to give continuous feedback to the user on a (probably) time-consuming activity they just triggered, where they would need to wait for it to be finished to proceed with their work or repeat a similar action. Yes, it can be done with the “step X of Y” method as a workaround, but nothing beats a progress bar, in my opinion.
Hi Guilherme,
I do not think a progress bar is possible as a "bar" since I do not see it in the available options.
But it should be possible something similar to a percentage value or show a changing value like step 5 of 9.
You could use a regular StaticText which together with the ShowProgress method would allow you to redraw what is on screen without the need to have the user press a button or change something for the code to regain control.
Back to ASCII art style progress bars!
Great thought! Would you be referring to progress of the entire interactive part of the workflow (e.g. step 2 / 7) or are you referring to showing a progress bar at one point in the workflow to show progress of an underlying activity that the user has to wait for at that point in the interactive engagement?