During an upgrade to a newer DataMiner version, I've decided to backup everything, migrate to and finally restore my elements, visios, etc...
However, I'm experiencing some errors with the restore (image below). Could you please provide some tips to surpass this problem? (if applicable)

Hi André,
Note that restoring backups is only supported on versions that are exactly the same as the version on which the backup was taken, as mentioned in the DataMiner Docs. Explicit checking to prevent this is present since RN30921 (10.1.12/10.1 CU9/10.0 CU20)
As for the error message in the screenshot: this error occurs when SLTaskBarUtility fails to verify that the dmbackup package is a valid package. The check involves unzipping the content and verifying the presence of certain files.
In the past I also had problems restoring a backup, see task 185582. Could be the same problem.