I'm using the hyperlink feature to open an Element card from an alarm record. I would like to further extend the integration to also populate a card variable with the content of an alarm property so that the Visio assigned to the Element can highlight relevant data. Is this supported ?

I’m not too sure on my answer, hence my comment in here. Would it be possible to use the engine methods CreateKey(string variablename) and ‘AddScriptOutput’? These methods were introduced to populate session variable when you open a Visio.

Many thanks for suggestion Jarno. Unfortunately , that only works with session variable ( not card variable) and script needs to be launched from Visual Overview. And I would prefer to not have script execution in the process.
Hi Emmanuel,
The alarmconsole hyperlink functionality doesn't support this configuration (yet).
Maybe you could work with an alarm visioshape referring to the alarm record and use following visio functionality :
- link the alarm visio shape to the elementcard
- trigger a setvar to create a sessionvariable holding the alarmproperty value
- an initvar could then use that sessionvariable to populate the card variable
Kind regards,
Sounds like this would be a very cool new feature!