I know some of the latest versions have been generating diagnostic information about the system, often referred to as SPIs (System Performance Indicators?). Is there a way to list all the existing SPIs in the system and get an overview of their data? Where is this information stored?

In the Client Test tool, once connected to a DMA, you can find the SPI popup window by going to the "Diagnostics" menu item => "SPI". In there, there is a definitions tab at the bottom that shows you all of the different SPI's on the server. Note that I marked the last word in bold as I currently see no clear way to determine the possible SPI's that will be triggered by the client, except retrieving them from the cloud database where they are pushed (if they have been pushed already).
EDIT: The SPI definitions of the client are also available in the SPI definitions overview in the client test tool, provided that you have a client open somewhere. So if anyone is connected with a Cube or an HTML5 app for instance at the time you request the definitions, they will also show up in the overview.
Jens, I’ve made a small misassumption in my answer. Please do check the edit 😉