My shape is using the custom property to open external browser as follow:
Link http://xx.xx.xx.xx
Depending on the type of equipment I'd like to open the web page, I need to specify a dedicated browser.
For example IE for certain old equipments, Chrome for others, ...
Is there a shape property that will help doing so, bypassing the windows default browser app?
In top of that, is it possible to force either chromium, IE or Edge specificaly in the embedded web browser of the elements (per protocol I'd say) as this setup is generic to Cube?
Thanks in advanced,

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Hi Yvon,
This is not possible the URL directly in the "link" shape, but you can do this by specifying the application in the "link" shape, launching the necessary browser and passing the URL as argument. Check the documentation of the respective browsers to see how to use the arguments.
Do note that in this case the functionality could still be influenced by the settings of the operating system. E.g. on Windows 11, the IE link might automatically open in Edge, also the paths might differ slightly depending on the installed versions of the browsers.
You can find more information on this functionality here: Linking a shape to a program or a file | DataMiner Docs
Some examples:
Link | C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe|https://www.skyline.be
Link | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe|https://www.skyline.be
Link | C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe|https://www.skyline.be
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