Hi, is there a way of obtaining an offline copy of the API doc here please?
I think there used to be a downloadable copy on the old DCP.

Hi Ben,
Yes. The solution Miguel suggested has worked for me in the meantime.
We tend to get requests from other parts of the business who want to interact with our DM systems. They typically don’t have DCP accounts, and sometimes don’t have access to our DM systems. In this case, I gave the person access and pointed them to the documentation on the DMA itself.
It could be useful to have a PDF version available for download in case you’re working offline, though.
Hi Russ,
Could you try the following URL:
http://<DMA IP Address>/API/v1/soap.asmx
This page (available on each DMA agent) shows all the methods exposed by the API.
This has only limited information, that is auto-generated using the WSDL. On DCP there used to be a PDF download of the Web Services Reference Guide (https://help.dataminer.services/WebServices/), which contains a lot more information about every method argument and every returned object. Some methods are self-explaining, but more advanced methods need some more documentation.

This documentation is now available here: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/webservices/WS_v1/WS_Methods_v1/WS_Methods_v1_overview.html. Note that it is no longer possible to get a PDF of the documentation. We have chosen to move away from PDFs because they get outdated much too quickly, given that the documentation is constantly getting updated.
Hi Russ,
It is possible to get a PDF version on demand by mailing to documentation@skyline.be. However, as a PDF can get outdated very quickly, we do not recommend this. To make sure you always have the latest version of the documentation, it's better to use the online version instead.

I guess we would need to create DCP accounts for people that would like to view the API documentation in this case?
It’s useful having it available from the DMAs, as we can control access to these without bothering you guys.
wrt. what Wim said in his answer above, it the DMA documentation might not be as full as the one available through the CDP collaboration area?

The online API documentation is freely available; no DCP account is needed. The online documentation indeed contains a lot more information than the documentation available on the DMAs.
Hi Russ – you mean like a PDF file?