Hi Dojo,
I couldn't find this topic in the Dojo questions, although I believe this is a rather common use case.
The new Cube (a.k.a. Launcher) installs per user. Which means, if another user wants to run Cube where it's already installed, they need to run installer anyway and have a separate instance configured in their own subfolder of C:\Users. This is not quite convenient in an environment where multiple users have individual accounts on the same computer, e.g. in an MCR.
Is there a way, or is it in the roadmap, to allow single Cube installation be available for any user logging in to a computer?
Hi Alexander,
This has always been possible using the MSI installation package that can be found on any agent in \webpages\tools\installs\DataMiner Cube.msi.
Recently in DataMiner 10.2 we have redesigned these "shared" MSI installation packages to come bundled with the CubeLauncher in order to support running multiple versions side-by-side, e.g. when running different DataMiner versions on staging and production clusters. This was not supported in packages for DataMiner 10.1 or older.
We only recommend this approach for environments where end-users do not have the necessary permissions to download and/or install software as it prevents automatic updates. Whenever the DataMiner servers are upgraded the corresponding new Cube MSI package will need to be deployed on all client machines as well. It is also necessary to deploy the CefSharp browser plugin of Cube via MSI (these packages are not yet published on dojo, contact me to get a link). We believe the overhead of using more diskspace (by having multiple users download and install the same files) does not outweight the avantage of automatic updates. To make the initial installation easier we can recommend the "bootstrap" MSI installation which behaves in a similar manner as for example the MSI installation of Microsoft Teams.
Here you can find an overview of the available deployment methods:
Note that this documentation is subject to change in the near future as we improve upon the initial deployment and automatic update mechanisms.
Hi Sam, you can find the CefSharp MSI packages here:
DataMiner 10.2.0 and 10.2.3+
DataMiner 10.2.2
Older DataMiner versions (10.2.1, 10.1.*, 10.0.*) do not use our new shared MSI installation packages. If you would need the CefSharp MSI for those versions, you can get in touch with your TAM (this would install CefSharp v81 in a fixed location C:ProgramDataSkylineDataMinerDataMinerCubeCefSharp)
I believe the provided link is dead? I’m not able to open it at least.
Hi Jan-Terje, this topic has recently been moved to our DataMiner documentation @ https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Getting_started/Accessing_DataMiner/Accessing_DataMiner_Cube/Installing_DataMiner_Cube/DataMiner_Cube_deployment_methods.html
Hi Alexander,
I believe you are referring to this feature already available in 10.2.0:
DataMiner Cube desktop app: Support for system-wide installation (Release notes)

Is there any way a customer on 10.1 could use this feature without upgrading to 10.2?
Hi Ryan,
I believe the answer on this question https://community.dataminer.services/question/dataminer-cube-versions/ will clarify your question
Can I please also get the link for “CefSharp browser plugin of Cube via MSI”
thank you