Hi, it was discovered that an out of sync issue of the views.xml between DMAs usually occurs after a large amount of changes were made to the views.xml (creating new views, moving elements etc.) but after some time (sometimes hours) they will eventually catch up and the DMAs eventually sync.
Generally, what can have a negative impact on the duration for DMAs to sync the views.xml across the DMS?
One of the most common things are connection issues between the different DataMiners or low latency.
If you e.g. are doing bulk actions, depending on how and what this can generate a huge list of things to update. Such an example is a very large service template update
If it is caused by a huge synchronization stack, you are able to track the progress in the SLNet Client test tool
Diagnostics > DMS > Config
As a second possibility is that our processes are "overloaded" and can't process things fast enough. Related to the views.xml this could potentially be SLNet.exe and SLDMS.exe
You can confirm this by looking at the CPU of the process, depending on which kind of actions that need to happen in the background (i'm thinking about alarm, filter, correlation updates to visio recalculations) depending on your setup
Some things are done single threaded, so if you see SLNet.exe running at a steady CPU % equal to a single core CPU power, then this might also be a reason why things are slowing down
One last interesting things, every midnight sync there is a "brute force sync" to cover from anything that could have gone wrong during the day, which typically happens when not all agents were online all the time during the day.