It is, currently, possible to navigate from visual overview to an element/service/view data page (Making the shape navigate to a specific page). Is this functionality also available for navigation to a specific EPM Data Page?
Our use case is to be able to click on a shape on a visual page and be taken to a specific EPM data page, which are presented via the EPM Topology integration.
It is possible to navigate from a shape to an EPM field by specifying the System Name, System Type, and Enabled=True. However, when the "page:page name" option is used, the navigation goes into the visual section and not the Data section.
Are we missing something on the configuration above? Or are the capabilities not yet there for such type of navigation?
Thank you in advance,

Lander – Noted. We will follow up accordingly. Thank you.
This feature became available in 10.2.3 feature release and 10.3 main release
More details can be found here:
DataMiner Cube - Visual Overview: Problem when navigating inside EPM cards [ID_32288]
General Feature Release 10.2.3 | DataMiner Docs
Hi Rene.
Page selection from Visio is not supported (yet) for EPM cards. Feel free to create a task to implement this.