I seem to recall since DM10, specific ports became required in a cluster for the usage of NATS.
What info is actually exchanged via the NATS service?
What is still relying on SLNet instead?

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I'll let someone else reply for the DataMiner part, but for the DxMs regarding the cloud functionality almost all the communication between those DxMs goes over NATS in the cluster.
An example where NATS is explicitly not used for, as it's not made for that, is transferring (large) files. That's why we introduced the need for port 5100 with the cloud DxMs, so that each DxM could proxy files(/requests) over HTTPS to the right server or to dataminer.services via the CloudGateway. As an example for that your have Catalog and DxM deployments from dataminer.services, or Remote Log Collections towards dataminer.services.

Thanks, Jordy – that’s a start – leaving the topic open as I need to retrieve info also outside of the DxM side.
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