Please, Dojo, is there any specific RN or article explaining what will be available in DM 10.4
(main release) from a NAT service point of view?
1. will there be DM CUBE section to handle the config of cluster/gateway & leaf nodes?
2. any info related to the known issue after OS updates described here ?
3. will there be any guidelines or recommendations for geographically distributed DM-clusters?

Hello Alberto,
- will there be DM CUBE section to handle the config of cluster/gateway & leaf nodes?
- We plan to provide something to more easily create custom NATS configurations, what shape this will take (Cube section, Web UI, file upload, ...) is not decided yet
- any info related to the known issue after OS updates described here ?
- This issue occurs very rarely and each occurence has not yielded any evidence in windows logs that the service was ever removed by anything. It still remains a mystery for now.
- will there be any guidelines or recommendations for geographically distributed DM-clusters?
- Once we have official support for these types of clusters, documentation and guidelines will be available

Update on the known issue after OS updates:
We noticed that on systems where the issue occurred, there was an AntiVirus software package that quarantined certain binaries that are necessary for the proper functionality of NATS.
This is resolved by using the antivirus exclusion rules documented in
Hi Alberto,
As Laurens explained below, at present no specific RN or article is available, and several things still need to be implemented. I’d suggest keeping an eye on the release notes for every release and also keeping an eye on our blog here on Dojo, where we announce any important changes to the documentation. In the meantime, I will close this question, as the answer is correct at the present time.