Hi Dojo - when troubleshooting on values not retrieved for a specific parameter,
I can land over "N/A" vs "Not Initialized" parameters:
this example is for the same temperature over two different devices
my interpretation is that "N/A" is likely to be an "exception value"
(the driver works, but the value isn't retrieved at device layer, so "N/A" is passed to the API)
while "Not Initialized" would mean that the parameter was never successfully polled since the element got started. Is this correct?
Any section of the documentation we can use while reviewing the protocol?
You are correct.
The parameter value will read "Not Initialized" when it has never been set to any value.
"N/A" on the other hand is generally a discreet/exceptional value set by the protocol. You can learn more about the specific protocol implementation by opening the protocol code and searching for that parameter.
If you want to read more about discreet and/or exception parameter values, you can start here:

Thanks for the prompt feedback, Miguel – appreciated