One element (Linux based server) can be configured for multiple templates

Hi Rahat,
I assume you want to assign multiple alarm templates to one element? If that is correct, then you need Alarm template groups | DataMiner Docs.
You can only assign one alarm template to an element, but in the alarm template editor, you can create a special type of alarm templates, namely an alarm template group. This is basically just taking existing alarm templates and stacking them on top of each other. The mechanism is well explained on our DataMiner Docs website. With grouping it is imported which alarm template you put at the top or at the bottom, and in this context it's also important to understand the concept of including and excluding parameters in a template.
With alarm template groups, you can create e.g. a base or standard alarm template used by all the elements, but then create one or more overlay templates to put on top of this base template and override the thresholds of a few parameters or maybe monitor a few parameters more or less compared to what the base template defines.
If something is not clear or if you wanted to know something else, don't hesitate to reach out.
Hi Rahat, could you please provide more detail to your question ? You can create multiple alarm/trend templates for a protocol; but you can assign only one alarm and one trend template to one element, if that is what you are wondering. Please see here :