Hi Dojo,
Im trying to migrate an offload db to AWS Mysql.
Is it possible that I can migrate the db or cluster?
Hi Soumith,
There's currently no built-in functionality to migrate Offload databases. You could try to achieve a similar result by stopping the on-prem offload DB and taking a MySQL backup of the on-prem DB. Then you can restore the MySQL backup on the AWS MySQL. Now you can switch the DataMiner offload configuration to point to the new AWS MySQL. This should result in all your offload data being available in the AWS MySQL. The data generated during the "move" will be offloaded once the DataMiner config is updated.

Hi Alberto, MySQL 5.6 & 5.7 are supported by default I think. For offloading to a MySQL 8 database you’ll have to do a small configuration change. For this see the answer from Thibault on this question: https://community.dataminer.services/question/mysql-8-0-support-for-central-database-offload/?hilite=mysql+offload

Thanks for the suggestion, Jens
Top Notch!
Jens, interested in the option to write directly to AWS MySQL.
Amazon RDS supports MySQL Community Edition versions 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 – are these all ok for the offload application?
Collecting info in this thread: