Hi Dojo,
I seem to recall that whenever a DMS cluster had to be expanded, the standard procedure recommended to add a so called "fresh-install" DMA (no previous history before the date of inclusion in the preexisting cluster): is it still the case? Or is this something that varies, e.g. in presence of a Cassandra cluster?
I'm evaluatng the possible evolution scenarios where 2 different clusters may need to be merged at some point, but keeping the history that is present in both at the time they are merged: is there any article with related info?
The environments would be both on DM10 and Cassandra (local DBs), no Elastic.
Any hints, please?
Hi Alberto,
Indeed, merging two active DataMiner Systems is not recommended. It can definitely not be done by simply adding those two systems together, as there\'s a lot of possible conflicts (e.g. merging two Surveyor structures together). The best option is to migrate the elements from one system into the other and hence rebuilding one system in the other. I personally have no experience or knowledge about potential options to migrate historical data (such as alarms and trend performance data) for those elements, and not sure if somebody did that already. The safest option is to simply recreate the elements from one of the systems in the other existing system. Are there many other things that would have to be migrated? I guess Visual Overview graphics probably, alarm templates, and some of that? Do you also have automation and more sophisticated configurations that would have to be migrated across?
Let’s discuss the use cases you have in mind in our sessions so that we can explore and confirm the possibilities. Thanks.
Thanks for your feedback, Ben – it confirms my initial thoughts that some export/import operations will play a role where this scenario becomes required.
In terms of monitoring capacity, I was thinking to export views, services and elements and then proceed from the generated .dmimport file (alarms and trend data are options during the generation of this file – but I guess the bigger the size of the import file, the harder the migration becomes). Where sufficient spare capacity is present, I might not even need to stop elements – Elment IDs would be kept, so this might also save the VISIO linking. Coud the take one DMA out cluster A, wipe it to mint conditions, cluster into the newer environment so that I can sum up the licensed capacity.
The USERS part might need some different consideratons and it’s where I was wondering if there is the possibility to duplicate or export groups (when not defined on the domain but locally on the DMS).
I need to elaborate a bit more on this and I’ll come back with a more structured question.