I am trying to troubleshoot slow file transfers between certain agents that are located in different security zones and firewalls federate the traffic between agents.
For agents within a security zone, it takes about 3 minutes to upload a full upgrade file (500MB+), vs 20 minutes+ for uploading to agents in a different security zone through the firewall.
After doing a wireshark, it looks like we are sending an HTTP message over port 8004 that has an encrypted payload. Is this a file transfer packet?
If not, what method are we using to transfer upgrade packages between agents in a cluster?
As additional information: the files for upgrade packets are uploaded in chunks of 100 KB. If the agents are configured to use encrypted connections (which is the default nowadays), the data in those chunks will also be encrypted.

The packet size is currently not configurable.
Note: 5 million packets would be for 500GB. For 500MB, only 5120 packets are needed.
So this means a 500MByte upgrade package will require 5 million 100KB packets to be successfully transferred to upload to other agents? Is this setting configurable to increase the size of the chunk to reduce the number of packets and improve transfer speeds?