I recently imported an existing automation script into VS using the DIS plug-in and noticed a new tag in the xml file called <MemoryUsage> containing over two thousand of <MemoryFile> sub-tags listing the persistent memory files used by the script when executed. It appears that new entry is created every time the script runs and accesses any of the memory files. Are these necessary and what is the purpose of logging this information in the automation script itself?
Many thanks.
Hi Pawel,
These <MemoryFile> tags are indeed generated when executing scripts.
As far as I know, the only use for this info is to be able to export these memory files along with automation scripts.
There was an issue before DataMiner v9.6 where duplicate entries got added to the list (RN19981). What you are seeing might be a remnant of this.
I believe you can trigger a clear of the list by making a small change and re-saving the script from the Cube Automation UI.

Thank you Wouter. Indeed, this script for created some time ago, most likely before v9.6.