The page mention that the max number of views on a DMS is 8000
I've a project were we can have around 14000 up to 16000 views (2000 sites with 7 or 8 views each).
What will be the impact in term of performance to cross the 8000 views limit ?
Hi Bernard,
Technically speaking, you can indeed cross that limit, but then you might indeed experience performance issues... Basically, the system would behave slower and slower the more views you put on the system, and this would happen gradually.
In your case, you are talking about doubling the number of views, so there might be some noticeable impact. This will be mainly when e.g. adding/editing an element/view, changing something to the users/groups, connecting to the system, etc.
It is actually quite simple to simulate this by creating that many views on a test system with an automation script. Just be careful, make sure the parent/child structure of the views is similar to what you expect in reality, and most importantly, make sure you combine this with the number of elements, users, groups, services, RGs, etc you expect in reality. Because it's the combination of things which can cause a system to slow down... In other words, I don't expect problems with 16k views on a blank system, but on a heavy loaded system, the impact might be noticeable.