Hi all,
For a matrix protocol of size 4002x4000, it takes nearly 2 minutes to update a single input/output lock/unlock set on the matrix element. I noticed that the discreet info parameter triggers the QAction (which is responsible for the update) 2 minutes after the Link file information event is generated.
When we do a set (lock/unlock) on a single input/output, does it update all the discreets (4002x4000) on the Ports.xml file or only the selected input/output? Why does it take long for the discreet info parameter to trigger the QAction?
Is there a way to make the update (on the matrix) for the selected input/output faster?
Hi Fenta,
We have introduced a table based approach for bigger matrices. This should help you to update the matrix faster. This is available form 10.3.1 onwards. See Table-based matrix | DataMiner Docs
Is this something you can use?