Hi Community,
On a low code app, is it possible to activate the zoom capabilty on a visual overview component as we have in Cube.
When the visio is "complex", this zoom feature is really usefull.
Sebastiaan Dumoulein [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Answered question 21st September 2023
Hi Yvan,
Currently, zooming is not enabled for the Visual Overview on the web platform, which includes Dashboards, Monitoring and Low-Code Apps. It is not straight forward to enable since this is image based and would lead to either very big images or blurry content.
Ben Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 21st September 2023
Further to this, just in case it could be of interest, there is an option to make a different version of your Visual Overview for the web apps. Sometimes a complex and detailed diagram is not a good fit for the web apps, and you can make a simplified version. Here’s how to add that version in your current design and make the web apps pick that one: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/miscellaneous/Conditionally_showing_or_hiding_a_page_of_a_Visio_drawing.html#depending-on-the-dataminer-client-application-that-is-being-used