Hi community,
For a low code app with a map integration, I want to have a list with filtering capabilty on the left side of my application and I want to have the possibility to collapse or expand this left part.
I tried to test with a panel opened on the left but the content on my page is not resized. The panel when it opens is displayed above my map.
Do you have recommandation/solution to do this?
Hi Yvan,
Currently the panel can only be displayed on top of the page and can't resize the page it is displayed on. It would require a new software feature to support this.
Still I found, somewhat of a hacky, solution to support your use case with the current software features:
You could add your maps component to a panel (Maps panel) and the filters to another panel (Filter panel).
- On page load you create an action which opens the maps panel (on the right, width of 100% and no overlay)
- In the maps panel you add an 'Open filters' button which would on click:
- Open the Filter panel (from the left side, width of 30% and no overlay)
- Close the Maps panel followed by an action to open the maps panel (from the right side, width 70% and no overlay)
- In the filter panel you add an 'Close' button which would on click:
- Close the Filter panel
- Close the Maps panel followed by an action to open the maps panel (from the right side, width 100% and no overlay)
In the end it would look something like this.
Note that this is more of a workaround. The downside of this is that it refetches the data which is displayed on the map when opening and closing the filter panel.
Best regards,

Hi Yvan, sorry for the late response.
– It is not possible to hide a button. So indeed, that ‘Show filter’-button won’t be doing correct things when the filter panel is already opened. I think you can work around this if you create another panel with a map, but without any buttons in the header. (So then you have 3 panels in total)
– If you add a headerbar you also have a plus-icon on the right, if you click that one, you will add a button on the right.
Hi Ward,
Thanks for this workarround.
I implement this but if I click on “show filter” when the left panel is opened I have a wrong behaviour.
Is it possible to hide a button in the header bar when the left panel is opened for example?
How did you put the close button on the right side of the header bar?