I've added an clock to an page with the option set to display the server time. When in edit mode i do get an time displayed. But when i publish the app it will start counting from 00:00 from the first of the month. When i refresh the page it start counting from 00:00 again. Showing the client time does work as expected.
Adding the same to a new app does show the server time. So something goes wrong in the excisting app.

This is indeed a known issue, the server time does not work as expected. There's a task (DCP138417) on our backlog to fix this.

In specific circumstances then Wim? Because it seems to work for me.

Looked up the details, should have done that immediately. It is effectively when running with different time zones.

Wanted to let you know this is fixed in the upcoming 10.3.0(CU10) and 10.4.1.
That's odd. Not that it helps you, but just to confirm that I just quickly tested it and it seems to work for me (running Server and client time are in the same time zone though, not sure if that can play into it.

I also did an quick test with an new created app and there it works. (also running 10.3.6) however the app where i ran into issues was created while we were running 10.2.12. And after the upgrade to 10.3.6 i added the clock.
Server and client currently are running in the same timezone. However we do have some colleagues in other timezone where we we want to show them the server time as well since that is the time that SRM will follow.
It will eventually catch up after having the page open for about 10 minutes.