Anyone know what the little green up arrow signifies in the Cube Surveyor?
I think it indicates that though that service is in a Critical alarm, it only propagates a normal status to the service it is part of. When you include elements (including other services) in a services you can specify whether they affect the overall alarm severity of the service and if so at what level. But
all alarms are set to influence the service.
Hi Paul,
This indicates the maximum severity impact a child element (or service) can have on the parent service.
In your case, while the DTT service has a critical alarm, its severity has been limited to impact the parent service with a maximum severity of normal.
The color of the arrow indicates the configured severity limit.
The severity limit can be defined for every service child object in the advanced section of the service configuration.

Hi Paul,
Yes, please forward the details to
That's correct. You can indeed configure how a child object within a service should influence the alarm state of its parent service, through the options below.
In your case, you likely capped it to 'Normal'.
An alarm which originates from a parameter included in the service child element will always be linked to the parent service, even when the child element is configured to only propagate a 'Normal' state upwards.
You can check this through the 'Services' and 'Service Impact' fields of the alarm.
Thanks, the Max severity is indeed set to “Critical” for the main service and the child service. One for tech support I think?
Hi Paul,
In your service 'CH4 DR Salford DT Service 35 - 6005 - Film 4 Sco...' you will have the configuration that the subservice 'DTT Film 4-ID 5-NAT INGRESS RED' is being capped to a normal level (green arrow).
This could help you to have the correct service state through time for reporting.
Thanks, the Max severity is indeed set to “Critical” for the main service and the child service. One for tech support I think?

Hi Paul,
Just to be sure, check if you checked in the edit of the ‘CH4 DR Salford DT Service 35 – 6005 – Film 4 Sco…’ service under parameters for the subservice that has the green arrow. If that is critical it will be best to open a ticket for this that someone can investigate it in more detail.
Thanks, the Max severity is indeed set to “Critical” for the main service and the child service. One for tech support I think?