Hello there,
Would you kindly show me how do I monitor the Task Manager processes on Linux Platform SNMP protocol?
I have tried the attribute 'Process Run Status' which does not change up on stopping of processes.
Task manager processes can be monitored on Windows Platform using the attribute 'Raw Status' FYR.
Thank you,
Hi Muhammad,
Thanks for posting your question in Dojo.
Since you are looking at the column parameter Process Run Status, I am assuming that you would like to detect if a process is still running in the server that you are monitoring with the driver Linux Platform SNMP. The column parameter is updated by the SNMP OID (hrSWRunStatus). This OID supports 4 possible values:
- running
- runnable (process waiting for resource, i.e. CPU, memory, IO)
- notRunnable (process loaded but waiting for event)
- invalid (process not loaded)
As you can see in the list above, the driver does not receive a specific status when a process is stopped. When a process is not running, the driver (by default) will remove the corresponding row from the Task Manager table.
However, we can still detect if a process is not running. In this case, you will need to set the parameter Autoclear Task Manager to Off. When a process is stopped, the row representing this process will not be removed and the column parameter Process Run Status will be set to Not Running.

Hi Muhammad,
Please could you let us know which version of the Linux Platform SNMP driver are you currently using? I would like to perform a small test to confirm the behavior that you are reporting (after setting the parameter ‘Autoclear Task Manager’ to ‘Off’ and stopped the process, the column parameter ‘Process Run Status is not updated’)

Linux Platform SNMP:
Hi Muhammad,
Thanks for the information. I tested version and indeed, I can reproduce the issue that you are reporting. The good news is that we have an updated driver version that solves this issue. Please could you test the version I confirmed that once a process is not running, the column parameter ‘Process Run Status’ will be set to ‘Not Running’. Keep in mind that you will need to set the parameter ‘Autoclear Task manager’ to ‘Off’.
This version is available in the Update Center. In case you are not able to download this driver version please let us know.

Hi Miguel,
I have Version downloaded already.
So, do you suggest to use that one? coz i am not getting the on update center.
Thanks for your reply,
When I turned ‘Autoclear Task Manager’ ‘ON’, and stopped the process, it gets disappeared and appears back when we start the process back.
And I have tried ‘Autoclear Task manager’ turned ‘Off’ and stopped the process, the parameter ‘Process Run Status’ does not change to anything.
And you mentioned in the OIS support values, as it won’t receive a specific status when the process is stopped.
So, monitoring the ‘Process Run Status’ will not fulfill my requirement.
I need to know when the process gets stopped.
Thank you,