Hi All,
I am trying to link a shape to alarms based on a Display Key so potentially multiple alarms of varying severity in a dynamic table. I have 2 questions:
1: What is the best way to link the shape data? Is it using Alarm Shape Data or another and with what syntax? I want the highest severity alarm to be represented in the colour.
2: When there is no alarm the dynamic table is empty therefore the shape goes Grey, is there a way to set a default colour or do I need to do a show/hide and put a shape in front?

Hi Michiel,
What we have is one Visual Overview to switch inputs on 2 elements, each element has 3 inputs and we want to display the alarm state on the inputs on the panel.
The alarms come in to a dynamic alarm table that only populates when there is an alarm, and by using the Display Key link the shape to any row in the alarm template that has that Display Key, and then when no row exists display green for normal
Hope that makes it a bit clearer
Sounds like you're looking for the AlarmSummary.
Among other things, it also supports an option for "DefaultAlarmLevel". All of this can be found on the linked docs page.
Hope that helps.
Hi Toon,
Isn’t AlarmSummary for linking to Alarm filters? Or does it work with Element Current Alarms?

Unless I’m misunderstanding, the alarmsummary can be used in a plethora of ways, among which, also linking to an element’s current alarms.
Hmm, ok, not sure whether that will do what we want to do which is linking a specific shape to a specific input as there’s not a option or doesn’t seen to be an option for that looking on dataminer.docs

So if I understand correctly you want to be able to pass a specific key into this AND have a default alarm level? If that is the case I think you are correct this is currently not possible. Of course you could use automation scripting output into session variables and put the result in the Fill shape data we introduced a while ago but that’s a bit… ugly I guess.
Alternatively you could also leave a feature suggestion describing your use case.
Please do mark the question as resolved once you consider this wrapped up. Thanks.
Hi Ryan, from your description it’s not entirely clear to me what it is you want to achieve. I’m not sure if alarm shapes are the correct tool for what you want to do.
Possibly you want to use auto-generated alarm shapes and filter on the element and table key? See https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/generating_shapes/Generating_shapes_that_represent_alarms.html for more information on this feature