As a user I'm focused on a current row in a table. When a refresh is triggered, the focus on the row is lost and am pushed to the top of the table.
How can I keep the focus on the current row while the refresh happens in the background ?
Hi Wale,
This is something that should happen out-of-the-box. When a table re-fetches it's data, it should return to the rows you were viewing before the fetch started. I can see in your gif that there is also some skeleton loading when the fetch is busy, which also shouldn't happen. This makes me think that you have found a software issue. You can contact techsupport to look further into this.

My previous comment applies to selection. After an update, the table’s vertical position does reset, which could be improved in the software. Alternatively, if you’re working with an ad hoc data source, you might consider using real-time updates to eliminate the need for a trigger.
Also note that this is using row keys. So definitely specify those when creating ad hoc data sources: