Hello DOJO
We are trying to display multiple data state inside a LCA dashboard.
We need to display the data for one element (selected from a table).
Adding many states components is tedious and take to much place (near of 30 data values to display)
First try by using one state component and using a query
- The query is used for a table, and table parameters for a state component.
It's extremely long to grab result because many data are located in many different tables and many join are used in the query. - it's not possible to get automatically the title name of each parameter in the state component.
Second try by using the pivot table component.
- Result is pretty quick
- All data could be visible and readable easily.
- Parameters name are automatically displayed.
- But all elements that are attached to the protocol parameters are displayed (more than 1000)
The questions:
Is there a way to filter the elements in the pivot table, depending on what is dynamically selected inside the LCA dahboard ?
Is there a better way to achieve this ?

Hi Alberto
Our version is 10.4.3 and I haven't seen all the release notes for 10.4.4 yet.
Thanks for this link, I'm sure it's a new feature that will be very useful in the future 🙂
In the meantime I did a workaround, by adding manualy each parameter from different data tables to a state component, and filter the state component from a table driven by a query (without join statment).
This does the job quickly even if it's not much elegant and not easily editable.
Salut, Joel
Depending on the DM version & how the LCA is built, this might be of interest: