i run the Kata#4 and being nearly at the end. On Dashboards when i select the ad hoc data source
either the created satellites or the people (from the manual) i receive:
"Error trapped: Requesting capabilities requires a minimum version of: 0.27"
i checked in the admin console for potention modules but no clue.
How can i make it happy?

Hi Edib,
In VS Dependancies i updated to the latest – like in the tutorial:
From > i did upded it again to
“Skyline.DataMiner.Dev.Automation” wurde erfolgreich auf “Satellites – GQIDS_2” installiert.
Here what i have from Cube /About.
Versions for agent dm-b1-01-stg (ID 101202):
Server version :
Client version : 10.4.2347.2432-be8b9dab
Launcher version : 10.3.2324.534-f6dadc78

Do you get the same error when you use another data source (for instance getting the elements)?
Hi Sebastiaan,
yes just tried it:

Do you still get the error when you create a completely new query using the ad hoc data source?

Indeed – not. Creating completle new query is now working.
Now i get a timeout in the table but this is another story. Thanks for all your help.
Error trapped: Error thrown in implementation of GetNextPage: Unable to connect to the remote server
Try again in a few seconds.

Alright, glad to hear you no longer have the exception.
Hi Kristian,
What version of Skyline.DataMiner.Dev.Automation NuGet are you using, and what is the version of your DMA?