Hello everyone,
I'm trying to launch a Ranorex test on Jenkins and it's failing on the first step where is trying to launch DataMinerCube.
[2023/01/23 14:22:01.529][Info ][Wait]: Waiting 2m to exist. Associated repository item: 'DataMinerCube'
[2023/01/23 14:22:22.998][Warn ][Win32]: Ranorex and the automated process don't have the same bit width and the 32/64 bit bridge couldn't be started. Object recognition is limited. (This message is only shown once per report.)
[2023/01/23 14:24:01.599][Error ][Module]: Failed to wait for item to exist.<br/>Failed to find item 'DataMinerCubeLibraryRepository.DataMinerCube.Self'. Please check that your whitelist allows Ranorex to access the process.<br/>No element found for path '/form[@name='MainWindow']' at step 'form[@name='MainWindow']' after 1813 attempts within 2m. [2023/01/23 14:24:01.671][Failure][Test]: Test Module 'OpenLauncherWithArgumentsHost (DataMinerCubeLibrary)' completed with status 'Failed'.
From a quick google, I came across this: https://www.ranorex.info/solved-ranorex-was-unable-to-start-the-32-64-bit-b-t5723.html
I already did what they suggest in the comments:'Enable the 32/64 Bit Bridge in the General Ranorex Settings. No luck so far.
Any suggestions?
Thanks 🙂

Hi Michiel
I was working on Ranorex Studio 32. Just switched to Ranorex Studio 64 and built the project again and ran it. Didn’t make any difference in Jenkins.
From what I can see there are two errors that can be generated there, one where the bridge is disabled - therefore you can enable it, as you've already done/checked. One where the bridge cannot be started. In this case I would make use of the Ranorex Techsupport - https://www.ranorex.com/support-query/
Hi Ana, I don’t think I’ve seen this before.
In the projects I took a look at, the 32/64 bit bridge is also always enabled.
How many ‘bits’ is the operating system you are running the tests on?