Hi Dojo,
Is there a way that I can have an overview as administrator of all the dashboards that have been shared across my different DataMiner Systems?
Hi Jens,
at the moment you can only view the shares you have access to by going to https://shares.dataminer.services. We have no overview for all the shares on a system.
One way you could see all the shares from your DMS is by going to the C:\Skyline DataMiner\SharedItems\v2. Here you can find all the shared items which include the name of the dashboard. The objects stored in this folder are JSON objects so you could query them.
"$type": "Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.SharingManager.ShareableItem, SLNetTypes",
"DmsOwnerID": "<DMSOwnerId>",
"ShareID": "<ID>",
"SharedObjectId": {
"$type": "Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Info.IDObjects.DashboardID, SLNetTypes",
"ID": "Test\\test1"
"ShareType": 1,
"ShareUrl": "URL",
"ShareUserName": "<username>",
As you can see in the snippet above you can find the name under the "SharedObjectId:ID" property.
If you would like to have an overview as admin I suggest you contact Sherpa or enter a feature request. I am sure that this can be valuable for the users.

Note that this functionality is now available. You can find all the shares that have been created on a Cloud Connected DataMiner system in the DCP Admin App. Under the DataMiner system you will find a menu “Outgoing Shares” which will hold all the shares that have been created on that system.