Is there a way where we can have a count of the number of elements under this service on the left pane the same as we have for a view?
Actually, sometimes we create a service manually to categorize a number of elements which are located in different views in order to be monitored from one place under the service, however, we struggle to count the number of elements under the service as per the below example:
Hi Kawssar,
I did a quick test with the 'SERVICE STATISTICS' and it seems to accept the keyword 'TotalElements', although that is not mentioned in the help... In my example it works to display the number of elements in the service, and it updates correctly when elements are being added or deleted.
This is how it looks like:
To make the copy/paste easier:
- Info: SERVICE STATISTICS:###[#TotalElements] elements ###
- Element: [this service]
I hope this can help you out.
I tested the comment of Jarno, and it indeed also works in the surveyor. This is an example where the number of elements inside a service is also displayed in the surveyor:
Changing the surveyor statistics requires a restart of the DMA!
While the DMA was down, I added the following to the MaintenanceSettings.xml file:
<ServiceStatistics>[#TotalElements] Elements</ServiceStatistics>
Note: If the DMA is part of a DMS, the setting will be applied across the DMS during the midnight synchronization. Alternatively, you can also force an immediate synchronization. See Synchronizing data between DataMiner Agents.

Thanks Jarno! It indeed works in the surveyor statistics as well, I added an update to my original answer explaining this option as well.

Thanks very much Bert for your feedback, actually I managed to edit the visios which applied on top of services to reflect the number of elements included in the service and it worked perfectly on the visual side, also Jarno’s idea to have elements count on the surveyor statistics is very well.
I think the same syntax for [#TotalElements] can also be used to display alarm statistics in the Surveyor. This is documented in the help on this link (no formatting possible on the comment): with a link to: