We have a situation where the Dataminer is in one time zone and the Clients connect from multiple different time zones. When the Trend data is brought up on the Dashboard initially the data looked correct, however, when we started using the time filters (today so far, last xx timeframe and others) we found that the trend data was being filtered based on the client time rather than the server time. We expected the filters to be based off of the server time when timeframe filters.
Is there a way to change this functionality so all trend data is filtered off of server time?
This issue was initially noticed when we had just enabled trending for some new parameters and added the trend to the Dashboard. When using the 'Today' filter all looked good. When we switched to 'Last 15 minutes' the trend was blank, even though we knew trending was enabled for the last hour. In this case the client was 7 hours behind the server, so when the timeframe filter was set to 'last 15 minutes' the time was in the past before trending was enabled for the element.
Hi Steve,
You can set the default time zone for the web clients in the general ClientSettings.json file, more info on this in the help.
With that being said, I believe the "Last 15 minutes" time range should not take into account the time zone since this is something relative to now. It should be taken into account for ranges like "Yesterday", "Previous week" though.
Also worth mentioning that there were some issues with this that have been fixed in feature release 10.1.9 and main release 10.1.0(CU6). (https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/dataminer-v10-1-9-release-notes/#30301)

Hi Sebastiaan, Gelber, Wim, all,
Is this setting applied only in the new Dashboard app?
We’d like to have this feature of setting the trend time to UTC in the Legacy Dashboards per requirement from our Client, but it doesn’t seem to work when I tested. We use a Dashboard Gateway and the setting is configured in ClientSettings.json of the agent handling the connection. We’re using 10.1.0-CU9.
This is the setting definition:
“Name”: “commonServer.ui.DefaultTimeZone”,
“Value”: “UTC;0;(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time;Coordinated Universal Time;Coordinated Universal Time;;”,
“VersionNumber”: 0,
“Mode”: 0,
“InVisible”: false
Thanks for any advice.

Hi Martin, as far as I know this is only for the new dashboards application and not for the legacy dashboards. I believe there are currently no plans to introduce this in the legacy app.
Steve, in case you are wondering how to obtain the time zone value mentioned in the help topic, you can use the following cmdlets in a PowerShell prompt running in the server itself:
> $timezones = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones()
> $timezone = $timezones | Where-Object {$PSItem.StandardName -eq [System.TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.StandardName }
> Set-Clipboard -Value $timezone.ToSerializedString()
The last line shall paste the required string to the clipboard.