We are monitoring a network switch with multiple ports. Some ports are active 'Admin Status UP', some are inactive 'Admin Status Down'. We would like the system to be aware of the current port state when the element starts, showing all ports as Green/Normal whether up or down at startup (or when template is applied). Then if any port changes state up-to-down or down-to-up generate an alarm. This will allow us to know when a port has been activated which should not be while also, monitoring if an expected active port goes down.
As these states can be different for different switches, we were hoping for a way to do this within a single alarm template without having to add unique port filtering.
Thank you for the assistance.
-Old way of working: This could be done with a modification to the table by adding an extra column in the protocol.xml. That column is then filled with the expected 'normal' value. This can be a copy of the real admin status values at startup, or by clicking a button to copy those values when the current situation is considered as normal. Or a write parameter could also be provided to manipulate rows individually. That extra column is then the baseline parameter.
In the alarm template all discreet values are set as an alarm severity while the [BASELINE] is then the normal severity. As soon as a column has a different value compared to the baseline, there will be an alarm generated.
-New way of working: An alternative without protocol.xml modification could be to configure smart-baselines in the alarm template. This requires average trending to be activated on the admin status column. This way the analytics module learns what a normal situation is and generates an alarm when there's an anomaly detected. The alarm template should be configured similar like the previous option to set an alarm severity for all discreet values and [BASELINE] being the normal severity. Do note that I did not test this yet with smart-baselines in combination with discreets.

When opening the alarm template, there is a column "TYPE", on the appropriate parameter to be monitored the value of that column can be changed into "Discrete". Under the "NORMAL" column, the value should change there into "[BASELINE]". By then clicking on the [BASELINE], a new window should open where the checkbox "Automatically update the baselines" can be activated.

Thanks Laurens, I completely missed that, looks like this will do what I need.
Thanks for your thoughts, Laurens, looks like the first option is still the way to go. I do not see the analytic options (relative, absolute, rate) available for the Discrete parameters whether trending is enabled or not.