The customer understands DM 9.5 is no longer under support. Unfortunately, upgrading DataMiner is not possible at this moment.
He wants to know if Dataminer version 9.5 is compatible with Windows 11.
Thanks for your responses
Hi Miguel,
After some serious searching, I found the requirements for DataMiner 9.6 :
DataMiner 9.6.0 System Requirements - DataMiner Dojo
You can download it from this link.
The OS requirements mention the maximum version compatible with DM 9.6 is Windows 10 :
So I think we can assume DM 9.5 also won't be compatible with Windows 11.
Also, Windows 11 was released in October 2021. By that time, DataMiner 9.5 was already out of support I believe. So it might be difficult to say if 9.5 will work seamlessly with Windows 11. It might, but difficult to say I guess.