Dear Sir/ Mdm,
Please advise if dataminer is able to communicate with devices using MQTT protocol?
And what is the best approach to integrate with devices using MQTT protocol?
Look forward for your advice.
Best Regards,
Hi Tser,
DataMiner already integrates with devices (IoT) using MQTT.
You can use readily available Nuget packages such as this (MQTTNet) to write a DataMiner connector (protocol, driver) to bring data from the broker or to act as client.
As far as best practices, you can rely on available documentation such as this (MQTT Essentials - All Core Concepts Explained (

Yes, it can. Thanks
Hi Tser,
I want to add that we are currently developing an MQTT Client connector, which would be capable of receiving and sending information via MQTT. The connector is expected to be released within the next month to come.
Summary of first functionalities:
- Connection to an MQTT broker, with support on authentication and TLS.
- Statistics on message retrieved from the MQTT broker
- Ability to define on which topics the element should subscribe, including possibility of using industry standard filters
- Received message visualization and the ability to map topics, or subcategories to DataMiner Virtual Elements (DVEs), in order to show related received KPIs grouped per element.
- Ability to publish information onto an MQTT broker.
More news to come 🙂
So comments above are correct, DataMiner can integrate with devices using MQTT.

Hi Leander,
Is this protocol already finalized? I need to create an element that functions as an MQTT client, subscribing to topics to receive messages. The problem is that the execution of the process must be uninterrupted. Thanks in advance
Just to confirm that can dataminer integrate with devices using MQTT?