Are there any changes in the new way to generate driver packages (.dmprotocol) that makes a 9.5 system incompatible, throwing a message that says Unable to Upload DMProtocol "XXXXXXXX": No License for encrypted protocol found
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 10th July 2023

Hi Edson,
I have the feeling that the license of the Agent only allows certain protocols. Would it be possible to verify that the protocol that you want to upload isn't mentioned in the license?
Edson Alfaro [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 12th October 2020

Hi Jens,
I installed the 9.5 CU15 locally and got the error, so the license should not be the problem.
The issue was fixed by upgrading the system to 9.5 CU17 or 9.6 CU5, more info can be found at the release notes of Dataminer 9.6 under ID DMS RN 1089