while starting or using web apps like dashboard app or monitoring app the error message "Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter: 'queueID'" appears.
In the consequence a number of dashboard operations are not succesfull, no single dashboard setup will be stored.
In the monitoring app parameters of elements will not displayed.
Server version :
Client version : 10.4.2401.2494-60900876
Launcher version : 10.3.2324.534-f6dadc78
Many thanks in advance.

Did you recently install a web-only upgrade package? Your web browser might still be using a cached old version of the web application, which is not compatible with the newer WebAPI interface. Does it still occur after doing a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5)?
server api version 10.4.2401.1574
client version 10.3.2243.13206
client build 10.3.0 (CU5)
after CTRL+F5 the issue still appears.

Thank you for providing the additional information! The provided versions do not include the Web versions. Could you try retrieving the Web version? ( Go to the Dashboards app -> Click your user icon -> About -> Copy versions)
Did you recently install a web-only upgrade package? Did it succeed?
It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. To make it clear that this question no longer requires an answer, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.
Hi Ingolf, what is your web version? Go to the Dashboards app -> Click your user icon -> About -> Copy versions