What's the minimum version of DataMiner that can be used with the toolkit? There's conflicting information, docs Interactive Automation Script Toolkit states version 1.0.x needs DataMiner version 10.1 and higher, as where version 1.0.0 of the NuGet package in Visual Studio states >= 10.0.13
DataMiner 10.0.13 was the last feature release after which 10.1.0 main release became generally available. Please, also see DataMiner Main Release vs. Feature Release | DataMiner Docs.
With the above in mind it seems the information here (Interactive Automation Script Toolkit | DataMiner Docs) could indeed be revised to state 10.1/10.0.13.
I hope it helps clarify.

The documentation has been corrected: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/dataminer-docs/pull/1431