Hi Dojo,
Does anyone know if it's possible to fetch the MAC Address, from the PC which is connecting to Cube, inside of an automation script?
We would like to be able to showcase specific information depending on the PC which is used to trigger an Automation Script. To show devices close to them.
Kind regards,

Hi Ive,
Many thanks for your comment. I can rework my design to get it triggered from a Visual, and then use the [fistMAC] or [thisMAC] placehoder.
I don't think that this is possible.
An automation script is running on server side, while cube is on client side.
For the MAC address to be known, Cube would need access to the network card (which one when there are multiple?) and read that info out to then pass it when launching the automation script, which is not possible at this moment as far as I know.
Hi Stacey,
As far as I know, it’s not possible to get the client’s MAC address in an automation script (unless it’s triggered from a visual overview).
However, you can extract the client hostname. Would that help for what you try to achieve?