Is it possible to Install Dataminer on another dirve than C: ?
If not, is it then possible to store Logs/Element/Views on another drive?
Hi Dominik,
There was a similar question already asked:
Can DataMiner be installed on a different drive then the C drive?
I am afraid that it is not possible to install DataMiner in another drive than C.
Regarding your second question (possibility to store logs, elements and views in another drive), as far as I know, it is not possible.

Is there any official documentation where this requirement is specified?
Hi Jeroen,
As far as I know there is no official documentation. I proposed an update in DataMiner docs:…miguel-slc:dataminer-docs:patch-1
Hi Miguel,
Thanks a lot! I didn’t find this.
So the answer in short is: No. Hard links are dirty tricks!